Home » Day Hab gets creative with their art studio

Day Hab gets creative with their art studio

Our Abbott Day Hab group recently finished painting a beautiful abstract wall for their new Abbott Art Studio! The art studio is funded through a 2020 mini-grant, which has been used to purchase chalkboard paint, chalk, standing art easels and tabletop easels, canvases, acrylic paint and other art supplies.

The art studio will be used as a space where people can express their creativity, participate in art classes and projects, and learn new art techniques.

The group’s first big project was painting the abstract wall. They spent several weeks taping the design and painting different colors to create a fun, colorful wall to inspire them during future projects. Everyone had a great time using their creativity and were beyond excited to see the outcome of their hard work.

The Day Hab group’s next project will be painting their chalkboard wall and hosting some fun art classes. Great job to everyone involved! We look forward to seeing future creations from our Abbott Day Hab!

A young man we support paints part of the wall design
A young man we support concentrates on painting part of the wall design
A man we support begins taping the abstract designs on the wall
Three of the guys who helped paint the wall pose with the finished product
A picture of the finished wall with its newly painted design